function createRepeatOption() { return { repeatType: 1, param1: '', param2: '', param3: '', param4: '', param5: '', endBy: 1, endByValue: '', exceptOn: '' } } class Calendar extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { date: new Date(), weeks: [], existingBookingId: null, existingBookingSpace: '', existingBookingTime: '', selectedDate: new Date(), selectedFromTime: '', selectedToTime: '', selectedToTimeDisplay: '', selectedSpace: '', selectedNotes: '', selected: false, bookingData: this.getEmptyBookingData(), forbidSessions: null, repeatOption: createRepeatOption(), users: [] }; } toggleCalendar() { var c = $(".calendar:first"); if(c.css("marginTop")=="0px"){ c.animate({marginTop: -165},100); }else if(c.css("marginTop")=="-165px"){ c.animate({marginTop: 0},100); } } closeCalendar() { var c = $(".calendar:first"); c.animate({marginTop: -165},100); } refreshPoints(){ if(this.props.logged_in){ $.get('/user/get_points', function(result){ if(result.success){ $("#labelMinutesRemain").text(( / 60).toFixed(2)); }else{ alert(result.message); } }) } } getEmptyBookingData(){ var bookingData = {}; var _this = this; $.each(_this.props.spaces,function(i, space){ var singleSpaceSessions = []; $.each(_this.props.timespans, function(i, timespan){ $.each(_this.props.minutesPerSession, function(i, minutes){ var session = { 'user': '', 'time': timespan.split(':')[0] + ':' + minutes, 'available': true, 'notes': '', 'groupByTime': '', 'booking_id': null, 'owned': false }; singleSpaceSessions.push(session); }) }) bookingData[space] = singleSpaceSessions; }) return bookingData; } convertDateString(date){ var month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(); var day = date.getDate().toString(); if(month.length==1){ month = '0' + month; } if(day.length==1){ day = '0' + day; } return date.getFullYear() + '-' + month + '-' + day; } searchBookingData(date){ var bookingData = this.getEmptyBookingData(); var _this = this; $.get('/booking/search?date=' + this.convertDateString(date), function(result){ if(result.success) { console.log(; for(var d in{ if(d != undefined){ for(var r = 0; r <[d].length; r++){ var darr = bookingData[d]; var rd =[d][r]; for(var t = rd.session_from; t <= rd.session_to; t++){ var data = darr[t]; data.available = false; data.groupByTime = darr[rd.session_from].time; data.notes = rd.notes; data.booking_id = rd.booking_id; data.user = rd.user; data.owned = rd.owned; } } } } _this.setState({bookingData: bookingData, forbidSessions:}); }else{ alert(result.message); } }) } getSessionIndexFromTime(time){ var _this = this; var idx = -1; var sessionIndex = -1; $.each(_this.props.timespans, function(i, timespan){ $.each(_this.props.minutesPerSession, function(i, minutes){ idx++; if(timespan.split(':')[0] + ':' + minutes == time){ sessionIndex = idx; } }) }) return sessionIndex; } nextMonth() { var curDate =; curDate.setMonth( + 1); curDate.setDate(1); this.clearSelected(); var curMonth = (curDate.getMonth() + 1) + ""; var curDay = (curDate.getDate() + ""); if(curMonth.length == 1) curMonth = "0" + curMonth; if(curDay.length == 1) curDay = "0" + curDay; this.setState({date: new Date(curDate.getFullYear() + '-' + curMonth + '-' + curDay), selectedDate: new Date(curDate.getFullYear() + '-' + curMonth + '-' + curDay), weeks: this.getAllWeeksOfMonth(curDate.getMonth(), curDate.getFullYear()), bookingData: this.getEmptyBookingData()}); this.searchBookingData(curDate); } prevMonth() { var curDate =; var oldMonth =; while(curDate.getMonth()==oldMonth){ curDate.setMonth( - 1); } var month = curDate.getMonth(); curDate.setDate(this.state.selectedDate.getDate()); if(curDate.getMonth() != month){ curDate.setDate(0); } var curMonth = (curDate.getMonth() + 1) + ""; var curDay = (curDate.getDate() + ""); if(curMonth.length == 1) curMonth = "0" + curMonth; if(curDay.length == 1) curDay = "0" + curDay; this.clearSelected(); this.setState({date: new Date(curDate.getFullYear() + '-' + curMonth + '-' + curDay), selectedDate: new Date(curDate.getFullYear() + '-' + curMonth + '-' + curDay), weeks: this.getAllWeeksOfMonth(curDate.getMonth(), curDate.getFullYear()), bookingData: this.getEmptyBookingData()}); this.searchBookingData(curDate); } clearSelected(){ $(".booking-info").hide(); $("#txtBookingInfoNotes").val(''); this.setState({selectedFromTime: '', selectedToTime: '', selectedToTimeDisplay: '', selectedSpace: '', selectedNotes: '', selected: false, existingBookingTime: '', existingBookingSpace: '', existingBookingId: null}); } selectDate(selDate){ if(isMobile) this.closeCalendar(); this.clearSelected(); this.setState({selectedDate: selDate, bookingData: this.getEmptyBookingData()}); this.searchBookingData(selDate); } addSpace(){ var selectedSpace = this.state.selectedSpace; var selectedFromTime = this.state.selectedFromTime; var selectedToTime = this.state.selectedToTime; if(selectedSpace != "" && selectedFromTime != "" && selectedToTime != ""){ for(var i = 0; i < this.props.spaces.length; i++){ if(this.props.spaces[i] == selectedSpace){ var added = false; for(var t = i - 1; t >= 0; t--){ var space = this.props.spaces[t]; var valid = true; $("#moreSpaces div").each(function(){ if($(this).text()==space){ valid = false; } }) if(valid) { $.each(this.state.bookingData[space], (r, d) => { if (d.time >= selectedFromTime && d.time <= selectedToTime) { if(!d.available){ valid = false; return; } } }) } if(valid){ $("#moreSpaces").append("
" + space + "
"); added = true; break; } } if(!added){ for(var t = i + 1; t < this.props.spaces.length; t++){ var space = this.props.spaces[t]; var valid = true; $("#moreSpaces div").each(function(){ if($(this).text()==space){ valid = false; } }) if(valid) { $.each(this.state.bookingData[space], (r, d) => { if (d.time >= selectedFromTime && d.time <= selectedToTime) { if(!d.available){ valid = false; return; } } }) } if(valid){ $("#moreSpaces").append("
" + space + "
"); added = true; break; } } } break; } } } } selectTime(sessionInfo){ this.closeCalendar(); if(this.props.logged_in){ var time = sessionInfo.split(',')[0] var untilTime = sessionInfo.split(',')[1]; var space = sessionInfo.split(',')[2]; var _this = this; var validSelected = true; var fromTime = this.state.selectedFromTime; var toTime = this.state.selectedToTime; var selectedSpace = this.state.selectedSpace; var wholeSessionValid = false; if((this.state.selectedSpace != '' && this.state.existingBookingTime == '')){ if(this.state.selectedSpace == space){ //Check if "until time" is valid if(time > this.state.selectedFromTime){ //everyone can select 15 minutes per session if(time > this.state.selectedFromTime){ toTime = time; } wholeSessionValid = true $.each(this.state.bookingData[selectedSpace], function(i, session){ if(session.time >= fromTime && session.time <= toTime) { if (!session.available) { wholeSessionValid = false; } } }); } } } if(wholeSessionValid){ }else{ fromTime = time; toTime = ""; untilTime = ""; } if(validSelected){ this.clearSelected(); this.setState({selectedFromTime: fromTime, selectedToTime: toTime, selectedSpace: space, selectedToTimeDisplay: untilTime, selected: validSelected}); $(".booking-info").show(); }else{ this.clearSelected(); } }else{ $("#loginModal").modal("show"); } } saveSession(){ if(this.state.selected && this.state.selectedFromTime != '' && this.state.selectedSpace != '' && this.state.selectedToTime != ''){ var bookingData = this.state.bookingData; var groupByTime = this.state.selectedFromTime; var fromTime = this.state.selectedFromTime; var toTime = this.state.selectedToTime; var space = this.state.selectedSpace; var date = this.state.selectedDate; var notes = $("#txtBookingInfoNotes").val(); var success = true; var _this = this; var moreSpaces = []; $("#moreSpaces div").each(function(){ moreSpaces.push($(this).text()); }); //get data of repeat booking var repeatType = $("#repeatTab").data("type"); if(repeatType == undefined || repeatType == null){ repeatType = ""; } var endBy; var endAfter; var exceptOn; var param1 = ''; var param2 = ''; var param3 = ''; var param4 = ''; var param5 = ''; if(repeatType=="day"){ if($("[name='radioHowOften']:checked").val()=="1"){ //every weekdays param1 = "weekdays"; }else if($("[name='radioHowOften']:checked").val()=="2"){ //every weekend days param1 = "weekend_days"; }else if($("[name='radioHowOften']:checked").val()=="3"){ //every n day(s) param1 = "every_days"; param2 = $("#txtOftenDay").val(); } }else if(repeatType=="week"){ param1 = $("#txtEveryWeek").val(); param2 = ""; $("[data-day]").each(function(){ if(param2 != "") param2 += ","; param2 += $(this).data("day"); }); }else if(repeatType=="month"){ param1 = $("#txtEveryMonth").val(); var everyMonthType = $("[name='radioDayEveryMonth']:checked").val(); if(everyMonthType=="1"){ param2 = "day_of_month"; param3 = $("#selDayEveryMonth1").val(); }else if(everyMonthType=="2"){ param2 = "day_of_week"; param3 = $("#selDayEveryMonth2a").val(); param4 = $("#selDayEveryMonth2b").val(); } } if($("[name='radioEndBy']:checked").val()=="1"){ endBy = $("#txtEndBy").val(); }else if($("[name='radioEndBy']:checked").val()=="2"){ endAfter = $("#txtEndAfter").val(); } exceptOn = $("#dateExceptOn").val(); if(this.state.existingBookingId != null){ //Update old record $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/booking/update', data: { id: _this.state.existingBookingId, notes: notes, more_spaces: moreSpaces, reoccurrence: repeatType == '' ? null : { repeat_type: repeatType.toUpperCase(), param1: param1.toUpperCase(), param2: param2.toUpperCase(), param3: param3.toUpperCase(), param4: param4.toUpperCase(), param5: param5.toUpperCase(), end_by: endBy, end_after: endAfter, except_on: exceptOn } }, async: true, success : function(result) { if(!result.success){ alert(result.message); } _this.searchBookingData(_this.state.selectedDate); } }); this.clearSelected(); }else{ //Create new record $.each(bookingData[this.state.selectedSpace], function(i, session){ if(session.time >= fromTime && session.time <= toTime){ if(!session.available){ success = false; } } }); if(success){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/booking/create', data: { space: this.state.selectedSpace, more_spaces: moreSpaces, session_from: this.getSessionIndexFromTime(fromTime), session_to: this.getSessionIndexFromTime(toTime), user_id: $("#selectUser").val(), notes: notes, date: this.convertDateString(this.state.selectedDate), reoccurrence: repeatType == '' ? null : { repeat_type: repeatType.toUpperCase(), param1: param1.toUpperCase(), param2: param2.toUpperCase(), param3: param3.toUpperCase(), param4: param4.toUpperCase(), param5: param5.toUpperCase(), end_by: endBy, end_after: endAfter, except_on: exceptOn } }, async: true, success : function(result) { if(!result.success){ alert(result.message); } _this.searchBookingData(_this.state.selectedDate); } }); }else{ alert("Invalid session is selected."); } this.clearSelected(); } } } //data: { space, time } selectExistingBooking(data){ this.closeCalendar(); this.clearSelected(); $(".booking-info").show(); this.setState({existingBookingTime: data.time, existingBookingId: data.booking_id, existingBookingSpace:, selectedFromTime: data.time, selectedToTime: data.toTime, selectedToTimeDisplay: data.toTimeDisplay, selectedSpace:, selectedNotes: data.notes, selected: true}); $("#txtBookingInfoNotes").val(data.notes); $.get("/booking/get_reoccurrence?booking_id=" + data.booking_id, function(result){ if( != null){ $("#btnDeleteRepeat").show(); }else{ $("#btnDeleteRepeat").hide(); } }) } deleteBooking(deleteRepeat){ var _this = this; if(confirm("Confirm to remove this booking?")){ $.post('/booking/delete', { id: this.state.existingBookingId, delete_repeat: deleteRepeat}, function(result){ if(result.success){ $("#txtBookingInfoNotes").val(""); _this.setState({ existingBookingSpace: '', existingBookingTime: '', existingBookingId: null }); _this.searchBookingData(_this.state.selectedDate); }else{ alert(result.message); } }) this.clearSelected(); } } componentDidUpdate(){ $('.datepicker-common').datepicker({ format: 'yyyy-m-dd' }); $('#dateExceptOn').datepicker({ format: 'yyyy-m-dd', multidate: true }); //Default values $(".repeat-common-control").hide(); $("[name='radioEndBy']:first").click(); $("[name='radioHowOften']:first").click(); $("#txtEndAfter").val("2"); $("#txtOftenDay").val("1"); $("#txtEveryWeek").val("1"); this.selectDayOfWeek(new Date().getDay()); $("#txtEveryMonth").val("1"); $("[name='radioDayEveryMonth']:first").click(); } changeRepeatTab(active){ if(!active){ $(".repeat-common-control").hide(); }else{ $(".repeat-common-control").show(); $(".booking-info:first").css({maxHeight: $(window).innerHeight() - $(".booking-info:first").offset().top}) } } clearAllExceptionDate(){ $('#dateExceptOn').datepicker('clearDates'); } selectRepeatEndBy(val){ if(val==1){ $("#txtEndBy").show(); $("#txtEndAfter").parent().hide(); }else if(val==2){ $("#txtEndBy").hide(); $("#txtEndAfter").parent().show(); } } selectHowOften(val){ if(val==1){ $("#txtOftenDay").parent().hide(); }else if(val==2){ $("#txtOftenDay").parent().hide(); }else if(val==3){ $("#txtOftenDay").parent().show(); } } selectDayOfWeek(val){ $("[data-day]").each(function(){ if($(this).data('day')==val.toString()){ if($(this).hasClass('active')){ $(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).attr("aria-selected", "false"); }else{ $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).attr("aria-selected", "true"); } } }) } selectDayEveryMonth(val){ if(val==1){ $("#selDayEveryMonth1").parent().show(); $("#selDayEveryMonth2a").parent().hide(); } } componentDidMount() { $("#bookingLoadingSpin").remove(); this.setState({weeks: this.getAllWeeksOfMonth(,, bookingData: this.getEmptyBookingData()}); this.searchBookingData(new Date()); var _this = this; if(this.props.admin){ $.get("/admin/user/search", function(result){ if(result.success){ var data = []; for(var i =0;i (week[0].dateOfMonth=='' && week[1].dateOfMonth=='' && week[2].dateOfMonth=='' && week[3].dateOfMonth=='' && week[4].dateOfMonth=='' && week[5].dateOfMonth=='' && week[6].dateOfMonth=='' ? ( ) : ( this.selectDate(e)} date={week[0].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> this.selectDate(e)} date={week[1].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> this.selectDate(e)} date={week[2].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> this.selectDate(e)} date={week[3].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> this.selectDate(e)} date={week[4].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> this.selectDate(e)} date={week[5].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> this.selectDate(e)} date={week[6].dateOfMonth} month={} year={} selectedDate={this.state.selectedDate} /> )) ); const userOptions = => ( ) ) this.refreshPoints(); return (
this.prevMonth(e)}> {this.props.monthsDisplay[]} {} this.nextMonth(e)}>
{this.props.daysDisplay[0]} {this.props.daysDisplay[1]} {this.props.daysDisplay[2]} {this.props.daysDisplay[3]} {this.props.daysDisplay[4]} {this.props.daysDisplay[5]} {this.props.daysDisplay[6]}
{this.state.selectedDate.getFullYear()}-{this.state.selectedDate.getMonth()+1}-{this.state.selectedDate.getDate()} {this.state.selectedFromTime} {this.state.selectedToTimeDisplay != "" ? "-" + this.state.selectedToTimeDisplay : ""}
{ this.state.selected ? (
{ this.state.selectedToTimeDisplay != "" ? (
{ this.props.admin && (this.state.existingBookingSpace == '' || this.state.existingBookingTime == '') ? (
Select User

) : (
) }
{ this.state.existingBookingSpace == '' || this.state.existingBookingTime == '' ?
this.selectHowOften(1)} name="radioHowOften" id="radioHowOften1" value="1">
this.selectHowOften(2)} name="radioHowOften" id="radioHowOften2" value="2">
this.selectHowOften(3)} name="radioHowOften" id="radioHowOften3" value="3">
on day of
this.selectDayEveryMonth(1)} id="radioDayEveryMonth1" value="1">
this.selectRepeatEndBy(1)} id="radioEndby1" value="1"> this.selectRepeatEndBy(2)} id="radioEndby2" value="2">
Except on
this.clearAllExceptionDate()}>clear all exceptions
{ this.state.existingBookingSpace == '' || this.state.existingBookingTime == '' ? ( ) : (   ) }  
) : ( ) }
) : (
) }
this.selectTime(e)} selectExistingBooking={(e) => this.selectExistingBooking(e)} spaces={this.props.spaces} timespans={this.props.timespans} minutesPerSession={this.props.minutesPerSession} />
); } }